¿Quién es el dueño de Trader Joe's?


Del artículo de CNN Money sobre Trader Joe's:

You'd think Trader Joe's would be eager to trumpet its success, but management is obsessively secretive. There are no signs with the company's name or logo at headquarters in Monrovia, about 25 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.

Few customers realize the chain is owned by Germany's ultra-private Albrecht family, the people behind the Aldi Nord supermarket empire. (A different branch of the family controls Aldi Süd, parent of the U.S. Aldi grocery chain.)

Famous in Germany for not talking to the press, the Albrechts have passed their tightlipped ways on to their U.S. business: Trader Joe's and its CEO, Dan Bane, declined repeated requests to speak to Fortune, and the company has never participated in a major story about its business operations.

vía http://money.cnn.com/2010/08/20/...

Parece que Trader Joe's es propiedad de Theo Albrecht's Aldi Nord http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The... (Murió en 2010)
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