¿Existe alguna aplicación de diario de comercio de divisas o una estructura para registrar mi comercio?


Irisa Caporale

Ya te han dado buenos consejos en un diario.

En caso de que no tenga un plan de negociación, he descargado una plantilla para que la lea.

¿Por qué estoy negociando?

I have recognized that Trading is one of the most challenging and rewarding professions on earth. I welcome the challenge, and through: education, consistency & persistence, a specific trading plan, proper mindset and the right tools, I will overcome the challenges and succeed and prosper in the financial trading arena. This will allow me to govern my own path and destiny without having to rely on anyone else for my well-being.

¿Cuál es mi enfoque?

My beginning approach is to take advantage of short-term trends in the Equity market, while using the daily (chart) timeframe to scan for potential “Swing” trades that will be held for one to a few days, possibly weeks or until the trend has ended or my target objective has been reached. Once I find consistency in this less frequent timeframe, I will seek to duplicate my success on the more frequent intraday timeframes.

¿Cuáles son mis objetivos?

* Monthly – To never let a ‘planned’ opportunity pass. To follow my trading plan without reservation. Plan to hit “singles & doubles”, knowing that “home-runs” will come over time. Stay consistent!

* Yearly – To steadily increase my risk amount when my data tells me it is advisable to do so. To continue learning through my day-to-day activities of being in the market and through continued education. To keep trading business expenses to a minimum. To see a steadily rising equity curve!

* Long Term – To trade for life! To have multiple accounts – One for Income via Day trading, one for Wealth via Swing trading. This will allow me to eventually build up a retirement account where I can trade within a Roth 401K Plan.

¿Cuáles son mis objetivos?

Being a trend-trader, I will seek to attain no less than a 50% win percentage, with an overall Profit Ratio of no less than 1.5.

¿Qué mercados comerciaré?

I will focus only on the Equity markets for now, but will look to duplicate successes in other market arenas when my time allows for greater trade frequency.

¿Qué plazos voy a intercambiar?

Daily setups (only) during my initial trading phase.

Qué configuraciones cambiaré:

I will scan for the following two “trend” setups: 1) Basing/Breakout near 20ma, 2) Pullback to Minor Support or at 20ma.

Reglas de entrada:

All orders will be limit orders at the Ask price once a trade confirmation has been achieved. If my full share lot was not executed, I will seek to add liquidity by buying the remaining shares at the currently displayed bid price.

¿Dónde colocaré mis paradas?

My stop-loss prices will always be determined prior to entry, and will be at logical major-pivot locations on the chart that I’m trading from.

Reglas de salida para sacar provecho (y / o) de trail-stop:

Half profit will be taken nearing a predetermined point of support/resistance, which must represent a 2:1 reward/risk ratio. Final profits will be taken after a confirmation of the end of the current trend (from chart of entry), unless ultimate target has been achieved first.

Reglas de gestión de riesgos:

My trade risk (1R) will be 1% of current (daily adjusted) trading capital. I will not have more than 4R at risk at any one time.

Actividades previas a la comercialización, o rutina:

Log in to trading platform. Review index charts for short-term bias. Use Yahoo Finance to review Earnings reports and log into Trade Ideas scanner for new trade opportunities. Load potential trades into Long and Short watch lists. Set alerts near entry points.

Actividades o rutina posteriores a la comercialización:

Update TJS Journal. Take screenshots of closed trades and hyperlink to its corresponding trade journal entry. Review all open trades for possible next day action. Review any closed trades to determine whether plan was followed (or not). Mark up SPY and Q’s chart for next day bias. Clean-up trading platform.

Qué herramientas utilizaré para mi negocio comercial:

* Falcon Trading Computers – trading computer
 * Super Trader Pro – charting platform
 * Yahoo Finance, Trade Ideas – scanning software and opportunities
 * Trading Journal Spreadsheet (TJS) Elite, trade recording/tracking journal

Proceso de revisión:

Review the notes and screenshots of each trade 5-8 days after closure and after all biases and emotions have subsided. Write notes in the journal sections of the TJS as to how future trade executions, management and exits can be improved. Bi-weekly, check TJS Tracking sheet to see what sub-categories are producing positive expectancy (with frequency). Modify ‘plan’ according to updated information.

Educación continua:

Read one new trading book a month from my selected group of trading mentors/authors. Attend two seminars/conferences a year when/if my chosen trading mentors/authors/educators will be teaching or broadcasting.

Notas de disciplina y mentalidad:

Cumpliré con las (5) Verdades Fundamentales y Mentalidad "Trader", del autor Mark Douglas de "Trading in the Zone".

  1. “Anything” can happen
  2. I don’t need to know what is going to happen next in order to make money.
  3. There is a random distribution between wins & losses for any given variable that defines an edge.
  4. An Edge is nothing more than an indication of a higher probability of one thing happening over another.
  5. Every moment in the market is unique.

Mis Reglas de Oro (y / o) Mandamientos Comerciales:

  1. I will be disciplined every day, and in every trade.
  2. I will be my own trading “self”, never trading another’s plan.
  3. I love taking small losses.
  4. I will always earn the right to trade bigger.
  5. I am not addicted to trading just to see what happens.
  6. I will only trade high reward setups that have the probabilities in their favor.
  7. I will be a bricklayer – making the same type of trades over and over again.
  8. Once I find a setup, I do not hesitate; once in a trade, I do not over analyze.
  9. I will always keep a detailed trading log/journal and will act upon what it tells me.
  10. Everything I do will be for the success of my business!!!
Debra Conners
Ft. significar"presentando" para abreviar. Como en el ejemplo que diste, Jay Z cantará la canción y Linkin Park tendrá un pequeño segmento / parte en ella. Puede ser durante la canción, o solo una parte. Escuchas que una TONELADA de personas tiene una pequeña sección de rap en la canción, por eso ves mucho "hazaña.FT Sentido FT significa FaceTime en el texto. FT significa FaceTime ...

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